Ticket Management System Employee Portal | Part 3 | Profile and Assign Ticket


Profile & Assign Ticket View
Profile & Assign Ticket View
Employee Profile contains basic information about the employee. and assign a ticket page able to assign a seat to the passenger. You can use it by placing this code in the master page code body section. where the comment is mention. Remove these comments and paste code. 

<div id = "profile_page" class = "col-md-12 my-3 display-none" >

<div class = "card" >

<div class = "card-body pb-0" >

<table class = "table table-light" >



<td class = "w-25 border" > ID </td>

<td class = "w-25 border" > </td>

<td class = "w-25 border" > Name </td>

<td class = "w-25 border" > </td>





<td class = "w-25 border" > Father Name </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> Phone No </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> </td>



<td class = "w-25 border"> CNIC </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> Job </td>

<td class = "w-25 border"> </td>



<td class = "w-25 border"> Email </td>

<td class = "w-75 border" colspan = "4" > </td>



<td class = "w-25 border"> Address </td>

<td class = "w-75 border" colspan = "4"> </td>








Empolyee Portal Dashboard Collapse View
Empolyee Portal Dashboard Collapse View

Empolyee Portal Dashboard View

Empolyee Portal Dashboard View

 Assign Ticket View

<div id = "assign_ticket_page" class = "col-md-12 my-3 display-none" >

<div class = "card" >

<div class = "card-body" >

<div class = "row" >

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input" > Select Date </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input" > Time </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input"> From </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input" > To </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input" > Payment </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<div class = "form-group" >

<label for = "my-input" > Charges </label>

<input id = "my-input" class = "form-control" type = "text" name = "" />

<small class = "text-muted" > Validation Goes Here </small>



<div class = "col-md-6" > Validation Goes Here </div>

<div class = "col-md-6" >

<button class = "btn btn-success w-25 float-right" > Booked </button>







Employee Portal Assign Ticket Collapse View

Employee Portal Assign Ticket Collapse View

Employee Portal Assign Ticket View

Employee Portal Assign Ticket View