How to insert images in html. | How to add background image | How to align image | How to center an image | How to use image as hyperlink


Html Image Tag
Html Image Tag

There are more than one images on each website. Images can also be attached to devices and the Internet. We can also put images in the background of a web page. We can put images in different positions. We can also use images as a hyperlink.

How to insert images in html

Html <img> tag use to show image. We assign image path to Src attribute. Height and width attribute use to set the  width and height of image. Let’s look the code to display image.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <title>How to Load Image From Device</title>



    <h4>Image Load...</h4>

    <img src="image.jpg" alt="Nature" width="200px" height="200px">





Html Image Tag example
Html Image Tag example

You can see image has loaded. Now you can change the shape of image.










            border-radius0 10% 0 10%;



            border-radius10% 0 10% 0;



In previous code Paste this style in head tag and in body tag paste these image code.


























Html Image Style example
Html Image Style example

How to add image in html form folder

If image folder and web page are in same then image access like this,

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Nature" width="200px" height="200px">

 If image is in previous folder of web page then image access like,

Image Folder

Folder A

Folder B

Web Page Folder





Double dot and forward slash use to go back in previous folder. In above case in image src attribute will set like when we go back by using double dots and forward slash and find image. If desired image is there, then we use it and if not exists then we use again double dots and forward slash and find image. We will continue place double dots and forward slash till to find desired image. In our case we will find image like this,

<img src="../../Image.jpg" alt="Nature">

If image is in forward folder than web page then image access like this

Web Page Folder

Folder A

Folder B

Image Folder






In this case we use forward slash to go next folder. Src attribute will be set like this, we move next folder and find image. If image found then its fine. If not found then we will use again forward slash and find image. In our case image will find after two folder. Src will be like this

<img src="Folder A/Folder B/Image.jpg" alt="Nature">

How to add background image

We can set image on the background of page. CSS will use to set image in background. We can apply background on body, div etc. let’s look the example.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">




            background-image: url(image.jpg);





            background-image: url(image2.jpg);










Html Image as a background example
Html Image as a background example

Background-image property use to set image in background. If image is repeating in background like this

Html Image as a background example
Html Image as a background example

By default background-repeat property is repeat. Background-repeat property has following values

·         Repeat: by default

·         Repeat-x: image repeat along x-axis, horizontally or left to right.

·         Repeat-y: image repeat along y-axis, vertically or top to bottom.

·         None: use for removing all effect. Show only one image.

How to align image

Images align is to change position of image. By default, image align left side. CSS provide property to change the position of image. Float properties provide facility to align image right side. But we cannot align image in center. we can geometrically align image in center. Let us look the code.


.center {



        margin0 40% 0 40%;


.right {



.right {



        margin0 0 0 80%;



This code able to align image in center and right

When we take width in percentage then we can easily align image. For example, width of image 20% then 20% width of screen will cover by image. Remaining 80% width, if we want to align image in center then 80% will divide in two equal parts like 40% 40%. Then 40% we will use for left margin of image and 40% for right then image align in center.

For right align we can use float property.

Otherwise, we can use 80% left margin of image then image align.

How to use image as hyperlink

We can use image as hyperlink by placing image in anchor tag. We place image in the place of hyperlink text. Let’s see how we can this.


<a href="">

    <img src="image.jpg" height="300px" width="300px">


Image use in the place hyperlink text.