HTML Form |HTML Form Submit | Html Form Contact Us | Html form login




Html forms use to send data to the server. The HTML form basically contains user input information. For example, when we want to login into Facebook or Gmail then a form display which contains user id and password. When we provide this information and press button then our request sent to the server. Server check whether this information exists in our record (Database). If this information exists, then your login complete and you can use Facebook or Gmail.

Html form example.

Html forms consist of the following things.


Radio button


List of option


If the above thing you see on any page, then you can say this HTML form.

HTML Form Example
HTML Form Example

In this fig, you can see an HTML page which contains text boxes and button. This is an example of HTML form.

Html form element

An HTML form can have following thing.

Text box


Radio button

Check box

List of options

These are the basic element use for HTML form. These elements have many types.  Step by step we will discuss all types of HTML form element.

1.     Text Box

Text box are defined by using <input> tag. Input tag uses to take data from the user. Input tags are self-closing tags. It doesn’t have a closing tag and inline element. The syntax of the input tag is below.

<input type = "text" >

By default, its type is text.

1.1- Html form input types

Html form input has more than 20 types. We divide these types according to their behavior such as string, button, date and time, integer, and other. All types are below.

1.1.1-  String

1.      Input type text:

2.      Input type email

3.      Input type password

4.      Input type tel

5.      Input type URL

6.      Input type search

1.1.2-  Button

1.      Input type button

2.      Input type checkbox

3.      Input type reset

4.      Input types submit

5.      Input type radio

6.      Input type color

7.      Input type file

8.      Input type image

1.1.3-  Date & time

1.      Input type date

2.      Input type DateTime

3.      Input type DateTime-local

4.      Input type time

5.      Input type week

6.      Input type month

1.1.4-  Integers

1.      Input type number

2.      Input type range

1.1.5-  Other

1.      Input type hidden


Input Type String

There are six types of input that take a string such as text, password, email, tel, URL, and search. Let's look at how we can implement these types.

2.1-         Text

By default, the input type is text. Basically, it uses to take data in the form of text such as first name and last name, etc.


<input id = "text" type = "text" >


Input Type Text Example
Input Type Text Example

2.2-         Password

Input type password is basically string, but the main difference is when we type text then text shows in the form of dots.


<input id = "password" type = "password" >


Input Type Password Example
Input Type Password Example
2.3-         Email

Input type email used to take value form user in the form of email format.


<input id = "email" type = "email" >


Input Type Email Example
Input Type Email Example


Input type tel use for taking value as a phone number format.


<input id = "tel" type = "tel" >


Input Type Tel
Input Type Tel

2.5-         Url

URL input type uses to take the value as a URL.


<input id = "url" type = "url" >


Input Type Tel
Input Type Tel

2.6-         Search

Search input type used to take value form user to search for anything from the internet.


<input id = "search" type = "search" >


Input Type Search
Input Type Search


When we use these input types in html form then its look like


HTML Input Type
HTML Input Type

This is the look at input type text, password, email, tel, URL, and search. When we some data then it looks like

HTML Input Type
HTML Input Type

Input Type Button

3.1- Input type button

Input type button used for the button. In HTML we have multiple ways to define a button for example by button tag. Button used to perform user define methods. Value attribute uses to set the name of the button.


<input type = "button" value = "Button" >


Input Type Button
Input Type Button

3.2 Input type checkbox

When you have chosen to select multiple options then checkboxes are used. When you hit on it then a tick sign show which shows that you select this option.


<input type = "checkbox" >


Input Type Checkbox
Input Type Checkbox

3.3 Input type reset

Input type reset is used to set a form as initials stage when page load. When the user hit the reset button then all input shows the default value. Basically, it clears all user input. By default, its value is reset.


<input type = "reset" >


Input Type Reset
Input Type Reset

3.4 Input types submit

Input type submits button used to send user data to the form handler. Form handlers contain scripts to process the data. You can see when the user press submits button the page automatically reload. This is the process when the user inputs data send to the form handler. Action attribute use for form handler.


<input type = "submit" >

By default, its value is submitted.  You can change it as per your demand.


Input Type Submit
Input Type Submit

3.5 Input type radio

When you have multiple options, and you can select only one option then their radio button uses. The basic concept for the radio button is true or false.


<input type = "radio" >


Input Type Radio
Input Type Radio

3.6- Input type color

Input type color is a button that shows the color palette. You can pick a color and then apply to other elements.


<input type = "color" >


Input type color
Input type color
3.7 Input type file

Input type file is a button. It used to upload files. When use hit this button then a file chooser menu opens and the user selects the file and uploads it.


<input type = "file" >


Input Type File
Input Type File
3.8 Input type image

Input type image is a button. When user want to add an image in a button then this is the best method to set an image as a button. Src attribute uses to set the path of the image while if the image is not loaded then we provide alternative text to show the button. If the image loads, then the alternative text is not shown.


<input type = "image" src = "" alt = "" >


Input Type Image
Input Type Image


When user use all input type button then its look like this

HTML Input Buttons
HTML Input Buttons

Input Type Date & Time

4.1- Input type date

Input type dates are used to take the value as a date from the user. It contains a date picker with the help of its user selection. Some browsers do not support it. It shows only the date.


<input type = "date" >


Input Type Date
Input Type Date
Input type DateTime

Input type DateTime use to take the value as date and time. It doesn’t show the date picker or time picker.


<input id = "datetime" type = "datetime" >


Input Type Datetime
Input Type Datetime
Input type datetime-local

Input type DateTime-local able to take the value as a date and time. It is the same as DateTime but the main difference is its show date and time picker. It shows the local time zone of the user.


<input type = "datetime-local" >


Input Type datetime-local
Input Type datetime-local
Input type time

Input type time use to take the value as time from user. It's the only time, not date. It shows a time picker that depends upon browsers support.


<input type = "time" >


Input Type Time
Input Type Time
Input type month

When you want to get month from date then you can use input type month. It shows the month along with the year. It shows picker which depend upon browser supports.


<input type = "month" >


Input Type Month
Input Type Month
Input type week

If out want to get number of weeks from date, then you can use input type week. It shows the number of weeks with year. It also shows a picker that depends upon the browser's supports.


<input type = "week" >


Input Type Week
Input Type Week

Input Type Example
Input Type Example
 Input Type Integer

Input type number

When you want to take the value as an integer then you can use input type number. In this type, you can not insert alphabets or special symbols. It contains an increment and decrement button. 


<input type = "number" >


Input Type Number
Input Type Number
Input type range

This input type uses when having a limit to enter a value. You can use this type to set a number. Two attributes used to set limits. Min attribute uses to set the minimum value that you can select while Max is the final number that you can select. Value attribute uses to set a default value.


<input type = "range" min = "0" max = "100" value = "70" >

You can see that in this case, you can set a value between 0 and 100 while the default value is 70.


Input Type Range
Input Type Range

Input Type Example
Input Type Example

Input Type Hidden

Input type hidden

This input type use to hide specified input.


<input type = "hidden" >

Textarea Element

When you want to add multiple lines then you can use the text area. It is not an input type. It is a tag that has an end tag. There are different ways to set the height and width of text areas such as col and row attribute used to set the size of the text area. But best practice you set its size by CSS means by using height and width property.


<textarea cols = "30" rows = "10" > </textarea>

You can see its size is set width means cols and height row are set.



Text Area Example
Text Area Example

The label is used to display the form element name for user convenience for example you define a text box, and you ignore the label then the user does not know about the textbox. Basically, it guides users about how to fill a form.


Dropdown is the list input field. When the user hits this field then a list of options shows. Dropdown list defined with the select tag. This type of dropdown list used to define a constant list. Users cannot be able to put data according to their choice. Dropdown lists consist of the following tags.


This tag used to define dropdown text field.


Option tag used to define list option.


This use to categorize a list. List options are defined within optgroup tag.

Syntax: Simple Dropdown


     <option> List option 1 </option>

     <option> List option 2 </option>

     <option> List option n </option>



Dropdown Example
Dropdown Example
Syntax: Optgroup


    <optgroup label ="Category name" >

        <option> List option 1 </option>

        <option> List option 2 </option>

        <option> List option n </option>



Label are used to set category name.

Data list

Data list are also type of list, but it is not predefined list. Users can add value according to their choice. Basically its act like suggestion text field.


<input list = "data_list" >

<datalist id = "data_list" >

      <option value = "List Value 1" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value 2" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value 3" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value N" > </option>



First of you need to define a input element. Second you need to define data list element. When define data list then assign id to it, then define list option within data list tag. Use list attribute in input element then assign it data list element means data list id.


Data List Example
Data List Example

Fieldsets are used to combine related data. This tag is used as a parent or super tag in form. This tag has an ending tag. Label, input, select, and legend are used within the fieldset. When we define these tags in the fieldset then these tags are shown in border by default its color is black, but you can change it with CSS property border.


<fieldset> </fieldset>


FieldSets Example
FieldSets Example
“Basic information” is defined with legend tag.


In HTML form you can use buttons in two ways. The first one by input tag and the second one is button tag. When you use button tag in HTML form then you need to handle events for example onclick events.

Onclick event contains a set of statements. Which will execute when the user hits the button.

Html from Attribute

1-    Html Form Action Attribute

This attribute uses to perform an action when the user submits a form. The form sent data to the server. For example when we want to send data from one page to another then we assign an action attribute to the name of the receive file name. when the user hits on submit button then the page redirects to the receive data page.


<form action = "action_filename" >

     <input type = "text" >

     <input type = "submit" >



 <form action = "ReceiveData.html" method = "POST" >

     <input id = "data" type = "text" >

     <input id = "btn" type = "submit" >


This html code of simple form with a text field and button. Output of this form like this.

HTML Form Action Attribute
HTML Form Action Attribute

And ReceiveData.html page code like this

<form action = "" method = "GET" >

     <input type = "text" id = "data" >


This is the simple form which show received value from sender. When user send value then page will redirect to receiveData page. This page will show value.

HTML Form Action Attribute
HTML Form Action Attribute

When the user hits submit button the Receive Data page show with data. Then it looks like this

HTML Form Attribute
HTML Form Attribute

A JavaScript function is a handle with submit button. Which code is here

Sender Side Code:

function Element(id) {

   return document.getElementById(id);


var data = Element("data");

var btn = Element("btn");

btn.onclick = function () {

if (data.value != "")


           window.sessionStorage.setItem("data", data.value);


     else {

           alert("Please Enter Value In Text Box");



Receiver Side Code:

var data = Element("data");

data.value ="Data : " + window.sessionStorage.getItem("data");

2-    Html Form Target Attribute

This attribute used to how a page should open. Page can be open as the same window, new window, parent frame.

_blank: use to open a new window.

_self:  use to open the page in the same window.

_parent: use to open response in the parent frame.

_top: use to show data in the full body of the frame.


<form action = "script_file_name" target = "_blank | _self | _parent | _top" > </form>

You can use above mentioned value at a time one.

3-   Html Form Method Attribute

Method attributes specify which HTTP method you want to use when you submit from. There are four types of methods.





3.1- Html form method POST

This method uses to submit or save data and secure method when you submit a form. Because when you submit data then your data is not shown in the URL. It has no data limit users can send the large size of data. The message is transferred in the body section.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "POST" > </form>

3.2- Html form method GET

This method uses request or retrieves data from the server using URI and insecure because when user submit the form then the user can see data in URL. It has data limit restrictions. It is best to query string. It can be a bookmark. It can be cached and remain browser history. It Should not be used to save/modify data.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "GET" > </form>

3.3- Html form method PUT

This method uses to update existing resource.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "PUT" ></form>

3.4- Html form method DELETE

This method uses to delete existing recourse.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "DELETE" > </form>

4-    Html Form Auto Complete Attribute

This attribute has two states one is “ON” and second is “OFF”. When the user use it and set it on then when the user submits from then form automatically fill up on the basis of the previous history. And off state is opposite of on state.  


<form action = "" target = "" method = "" autocomplete = "on" > </form>

<form action = "" target = "" method = "" autocomplete = "off" > </form>

5-    Html Form Non-Validate Attribute

This is basically use to validation check. Its return true if the form is valid for submit and return false when the form is not ready to submit.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "" autocomplete = "" novalidate > </form>

6-    Html Form Rel Attribute

This attribute describes the relationship between current file and linked file.


<form action = "" target = "" method = "" autocomplete = "" novalidate rel = ""> </form>

Value of REL Attribute

search: link to searching tool.

external: determine that this is not part of current site.

noreferrer: determine that http request does not send.

nofollow: links to paid link for example sponsor.

help: it links to help page.

prev: link to previous page.

license: it links to license page.

next: next page in selection.

7-    Html Form Name Attribute

This attribute uses to define the name of the form.

8-    Html Form Enctype Attribute

This attribute-defined form data should be encoded when the user hits the submit button to send to the server. It can’t use with all methods. It's only used with the POST method.


<form method = "POST" enctype = "value" > </form>


This attribute has three value

application/x-www-form-urlencoded: data is encoded before sending to server. This is default value.

multipart/form-data: this value used when user upload file through form.

text/plain: by using this value data send without encoding. Data send in plain text form.


<form method = "POST" enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" > </form>

<form method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data" > </form>

<form method = "POST" enctype = "text/plain" > </form>


Html Input Attribute

1-    Value Attribute

This attribute used to set the value of the input. Basically, it uses to set Default value means when page load then set value is shown.


<input id = "data" type = "text" value = "1234" >

When the page load the user can see text contain default value “1234” and the user able to change it.

2-    Read only Attribute

This attribute used to set a text field on readable user cannot be able to insert value.


<input id = "data" type = "text" readonly >

3-    Disable Attribute

This attribute used to make a field disable. When a text field is disabled then the user cannot perform an action.


<input id = "data" type = "text" disabled >

4- Size Attribute

This attribute used to set the width of input. Size attribute works with input type text, password, tel, search, URL, and email. Basically, its works with sting data type input which we describe in starting.


<input id = "data" type = "text" size = "100" >

5- Max Length Attribute

This attribute used to set the maximum length of character the user can insert. Its use for validation purposes.


<input id = "data" type = "text" autofocus placeholder = "Enter Data" maxlength = "3" >

6- Min Attribute

This attribute is used to set minimum limit. Its works with integer and date and time data types. Integer means number and range input type. Date and time input types are date, DateTime, DateTime-local, month, time, and week.


<input type = "range" min = "0" max = "10" >

7-    Max Attribute

This attribute is used to set maximum limit. Its works with integer and date and time data types. Integer means number and range input type. Date and time input types are date, DateTime, DateTime-local, month, time, and week.


<input type="range" min = "0" max = "10" >

8-    Multiple Attribute

This attribute uses when the user has multiple option to select. It works with email and file input type. A pre-defined array or list is defined in which multiple values are store.


<input type = "file" multiple >

9-    Pattern Attribute

This attribute uses to set pattern of input. When the pattern is used then the user inserts data according to the pattern. Basically, the pattern is format how to data insert.


<input id = "data" type = "text" placeholder = "Enter Data" pattern = "[a-zA-Z]{3}" >

This text field will take value as “USA” OR “usa” which contains small or capital alphabets letter with length 3.

10-      Place Holder Attribute

This attribute uses to set hint text of text field. Which is a display inside the text field. When the user focuses on it then hint text automatically removed. Place holder use with string data inputs.


<input id = "data" type = "text" placeholder = "Enter Data" >

11-   Required Attribute

This attribute uses to make a text field compulsory for users to fill in. This attributed work with text, URL, search, tel, email, password, file, number, checkbox, radio button, and date data types.


<input id = "data" type = "text" required >

12-   Auto Focus Attribute

This attribute uses to set inputs focus when page load. When page load then autofocus defined text field will be active to do not need to click on the text field for typing text. The best practice is to use one time and the top first text field in the form.


<input id = "data" type = "text" autofocus >

13-   Height Attribute

This attribute design to set the height of input type image. Both height and width are used for input type images. Both are used together.


<input type = "image" 

  src = "Image_path" 

  height = "20" 

  width = "20"  

  alt = "Image Button" >

14-   Width Attribute

This attribute design to set width of input type image. Both height and width are used for input type image. Both are use together



<input type = "image" 

  src = "Image_path" 

  height = "20" 

  width = "20"  

  alt = "Image Button" >



15-   List Attribute

This attribute use in input text field to handle only data list. List attributes hold the id of data list.


<input list = "data_list" >

<datalist id = "data_list" >

      <option value = "List Value 1" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value 2" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value 3" > </option>

      <option value = "List Value N" > </option>



First of you need to define a input element. Second you need to define data list element. When define data list then assign id to it, then define list option within data list tag. Use list attribute in input element then assign it data list element means data list id.

File upload html


Contact form HTML

Contact Us Form
Contact Us Form
Background Image

Background Image
Background Image
Html Source Code

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang = "en">


<meta charset = "UTF-8" >

<meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge">

<meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >

<title>Contact Us</title>

<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" >



<div class = "header" >

<h1 class = "heading-style" > Contact Us </h1>


<div class = "contact-us" >

<form id = "contact_us" method = "POST" >

<label id = "name_validation" 

for = "name" 

class = "validation-message" > Name </label>

<label id = "name_length" class = "length"> 20 </label>

<input id = "name" 

type = "text" 

class = "text w-100 display-inline" 

maxlength = "20" 

placeholder = "Enter Name">

<label id = "email_validation" 

for = "email" 

class = "validation-message"> Email </label>

<input id = "email" 

type = "email" 

class = "text w-100" 

placeholder = "Enter email">

<label id = "subject_validation" 

for = "subject" 

class = "validation-message"> Subject </label>

<label id = "subject_length" class = "length" > 20 </label>

<input id = "subject" 

type = "text" 

class = "text display-block w-100" 

placeholder = "Enter Subject" maxlength = "20">

<label id = "description_validation" 

for = "description" 

class = "validation-message"> Description </label>

<label id = "description_length" class = "length"> 200 </label>

<textarea id = "description" 

type = "text" 

class = "text w-100" 

placeholder = "Enter Description" 

maxlength = "200"> </textarea>


<input id = "reset_button" 

type = "reset" 

class = "btn" 

value = "Reset">

<input id = "submit_button" 

type = "button" 

class = "btn display-none" 

value = "Submit">





<script src = "javascript.js" > </script>



CSS Source Code



background-image: url(1.png); background-sizecover;

      margin0; padding0;




width100%; heightauto;

      background-color: #F08F907;margin0;

      font-family'Brush Script MT''Brush Script Std''cursive'




margin0; font-size30px;

padding20px; color#8F1D21;

positionrelative; justify-contentcenter;




width50%; margin0; padding10px;




outlinenone; bordernone;

padding10px; margin10px 2.5%; font-size16px;

font-styleitalic; letter-spacing1px; border2px solid #eee;


.w-100 {   width100%;}

.text:focus { border2px dashed #006442;}



max-width100%; min-width100%;

max-height150px; min-height150px;




background-color#BE90D4; outlinenone;

bordernone; padding15px;

letter-spacing2px; font-size16px;

font-weightbold; font-styleitalic;

margin10px 2.5%; colorwhite;




margin5px 2.5%; font-styleitalic;


.display-none { displaynone;}

.length { floatright; font-styleitalic;}


JavaScript Source Code

function Element(id) {

    return document.getElementById(id);


function ShowSubmitButton() { = "none";

    if (name_text.value != "" && email_text.value != "" && subject_text.value != "" && description_text.value != "") { = "inline";



function checkLimit(textbox_id, label_id, limit) {

    var textbox = Element(textbox_id);

    var label = Element(label_id);

    var len = textbox.value;

    var words = label.innerText = limit - len.length;

    if (words < 0) {

        textbox.value = len.slice(0, limit);

        label.innerText = limit - textbox.value.length;

        return true



var name_text = Element("name");

var subject_text = Element("subject");

var description_text = Element("description");

var email_text = Element("email");

var button = Element("submit_button");

name_text.oninput = function () {




subject_text.oninput = function () {




description_text.oninput = function () {




button.onclick = function () {"login.html","_self");


var reset = Element("reset_button");

reset.onclick = function () { = "none";




This form design for contact purposes. Users’ needs to provide their name, email, subject why they want to contact, and description. Users are able to submit this form when they fill all textboxes. When all text box filled then submit button show.  


Login form HTML

Login Form
Login Form

Background Image

Background Image
Background Image
Html Source Code

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset = "UTF-8" >

<meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge">

<meta name = "viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<title> Login </title>

<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "login.css" >



<div class = "header" ><h1 class = "heading-style" > Login </h1> </div>

<div class="login">


<input id="id" type = "text" class = "text" placeholder = "Enter id" />

<input id = "password" 

type = "password" 

class = "text" 

placeholder = "Enter id" />

<div class="show-password">

<button id="login_btn" class="btn">Login</button>

<label> Show Password : </label> 

<input type="checkbox" id="show_password" />





<script src="login.js"></script>



CSS Source Code



background-image: url(bg_page2.png);













font-family'Brush Script MT''Brush Script Std''cursive';












.text {


border2px solid #eee;




margin10px 2.5%;








margin10px 2.5%;













JavaScript Source Code

function Element(selector) 


    return document.getElementById(selector);


var show_password = Element("show_password");

var password = Element("password");

var id = Element("id");

var button = Element("login_btn");

show_password.onclick = function ()


    if (password.type == "password")


        password.type = "text";




        password.type = "password";



function showloginButton()


    if (id.value != "" && password.value != "")

    { = "inline";



    { = "none";



id.oninput = function () {



password.oninput = function () {







