How to use attribute in html | Attribute in html

HTML Atribute
HTML Atribute

HTML Attributes

In HTML almost every element has attributes. The basic purpose of the attribute is to provide additional information about element.

2.     The src Attribute

Src attribute is used in image and script tag. In image tag src hold image path and then image show same in script tag src hold external JavaScript file path address and then action perform.

HTML Atribute Example
HTML Atribute Example
For example,




                  <title>HTML Attributes</title>



                 <img src="image.jpg">





src is an attribute while image.jpg is an image name. image name can be different. Here one thing is very important when the image and HTML file in which you want to add an image are in the same folder then your src

is like this


but when your image location is different. Then you can access image like this

<img src="../image2.png">

HTML Atribute Example 2
HTML Atribute Example 2

Double dots and slash are used to go back to the previous folder if image is there then select otherwise again put double dots and slash and find folder.

3.     The width and height Attributes

Width and height attributes are used to set the height and width of the element. Lets we use these attribute in the image tag and now we display images.


        <!DOCTYPE HTML>



                <title>HTML Attributes</title>



                <img src="image.jpg" width="100px" height="100px">

                <img src="../image2.png" width="200px" height="200px">




HTML Atribute Example 3
HTML Atribute Example 3

4.     The alt Attribute

Alt attribute used for the image. Alt is alternative text. Some time image is not loaded due to slow internet and wrong src than this text show. For example, in the last example, we will provide the wrong path in one image and then will see the result.





            <title>HTML Attributes</title>







                 alt="Web Page Picture">





                alt="Plants Picture">





HTML alt Atribute Example
HTML alt Atribute Example

In image 1  I provide the wrong image extension. Then you see result in alternative text show for image 1.

5.     The style Attribute

Style attribute uses to add style in elements like width, height, position, color etc.

Let apply some style to the image.





            <title>HTML Attributes</title>





                style="border-radius: 100%;"



                alt="Web Page Picture">





                alt="Plants Picture">





HTML Style Atribute Example
 HTML Style Atribute Example

In this result you can see that one image look like circle and second square. Border radius property use to round the corner of image.

style="border-radius: 100%;" 

here I use 100% you can also use px. For circular image you will need to provide width of image in pixel. If you ignore % form border-radius. Like this

style="border-radius: width-of-image-in-px;"

this only applicable if width and height of image are same. 

6.     The lang Attribute

This attribute used in html tag. The purpose of assist search engines and browsers.



<HTML lang="en-us">


        <title>HTML Attributes</title>





style="border-radius: 100px;" 

width="100px" height="100px" 

alt="Web Page Picture">





alt="Plants Picture">



7.     The title Attribute

Tittle attributes provide extra information about the element when the user mouse over the element and a tooltip opens. Let implement title in code.



<HTML lang="en-us">


        <title>HTML Attributes</title>




            title="Image 1 is Circular..."


            style="border-radius: 100px;"



            alt="Web Page Picture">


      title="Image 2 is Square..." 




      alt="Plants Picture">



Copy this code and set image src run the code. Hover mouse over images then you can see result.